
Showing posts from October, 2018

Sound problems

Sound Design Problems in Games   Problem #1: Call of Duty: Blackops 4   Armour breaking sound. The sound made by the breaking of armour in the game is very loud and high pitched like breaking a plate or glass. This sound is very annoying as the game favours playing with higher volume, but this sound is much louder than others and can be damaging to hearing.       One solution to this is to re-work the sound effect. Use a more realistic sound effect and /or lower to sound of it as well to match other sounds. In my opinion the sound should be more like a thud representing the stopping of the shot and the armour breaking. This can be made using possibly a hard metal object and hitting wood which would make the heavy sound of the impact and the breaking like sound of the wood. This would be far more pleasing to the ear and with the volume matching the rest of the game will fit perfectly. A more technical solution is to simply add volume ad...

Sound use in industry

Sound is used in nearly all entertainment industries from movies to game and moreā€¦ , sound in game development is very important as it can covey messages and emotions that visual indications cannot, it is another output of immersion with environmental, dialogue and indication uses. One simple example of environmental sounds being used is the change in sound when a character is moving over different surfaces. This use of sound lets the player be immersed in the surroundings, however this type of sound can also be beneficial to give players information. Footsteps on the ground with different surface types can help the player identify enemies and know their approximate location thanks to the sound of their movement. A simple example of dialogue is found in most story driven games, the most simple is a NPC (Non playable character) saying a recorder piece of dialogue that is directed at the player, this is used to give a story, covey a message, give background noise immersion and/...